This project has received funding from European Union's EISMEA, Single Market Programme, Call SMP-COSME-2021-CLUSTER, under grant agreement number 101074762.

We employ the power of mycelium


Biohifas employs the power of mycelium and valorizes industrial side streams into the food.

We are developing technology in 3 areas:

  • Side stream processing into food grade substrates.

  • Mycelium cultivation in solid state fermentation.

  • Raw material conservation.


Tomas Byčkovas
CEO & co-founder

Let's make it affordable!
Passionate plant based diet promoter.

Simas Borkertas
CTO & co-founder

Let's make it scalable!
Candidate for PhD on cultivation mushroom in side streams.

PhD Paulina Martusevičė
CSO & co-founder

Let's make it science proof!
PhD with background in fermentation and food technology.

Advisory board

Martynas Kandzeras

Prominent business angel with a keen interest in DeepTech.

Diana Šalkauskienė

Vast experience in innovation projects.

Giedrius Uždavinys

Expert in processing grains and other materials.

Edvinas Genys

Food technologist and chef with 15 years experience at Unilever.


We are looking for curious minds, who
are amazed by the great kingdom of fungi.
Let's employ the power of mycelium and
solve the problems that our world faces!